Shimmy and Pritamo - Columbia Cup 1999

Agility Training

Thank you for your interest in dog agility training with FunQuest - here's a little information on me - Pritamo - the founder/instructor/and wearer of all other hats:

I have been involved in dog training for over thirty years. My adventures into the wonderful world of dog agility began in 1990 with my "roadside special" Noodge. She was a marvelous little Jack Russell - Chihuahua mix that I rescued - literally from a busy city street.

Following several years as a volunteer instructor for Rainier Agility Team, FunQuest Dog Sports got started - offering small, personalized classes and private agility coaching. FunQuest's speciality is introducing beginners to important Foundation skills and the FUNdamentals of dog agility training.

Agility is an ever evolving sport. In order to expand my experience and knowledge as a trainer/instructor, I regularly attend seminars taught by other dog training professionals. Including - several years of attendance at Power Paws Agility Camp in California, agility camps with Sharon Nelson, seminars with Nancy Gyes, Stuart Mah, Gerry Brown, Monica Percival, Greg and Laura Derrett, Susan Garrett, Barb Davis, Guy Blancke, Christine Carpentier, Erin Schaefer, Stacy Perdot-Goudy and Daisy Peel.

In addition to agility related seminars, I also attend workshops and seminars for dog trainers such as those taught by Suzanne Clothier and Kathy Sdao. In April 2004, I attended a ten day intensive training course taught by John Rogerson of the UK and earned the Canine Behaviour and Training certificate. One of the requirements of successfully completing the course, included training a dog from a local shelter to pass the British Canine Good Citizen exam in one week!

Since first starting out in the wonderful world of dog agility, I have adopted seven other dogs to join Noodge as my agility partners. Six were adopted as adults. All (but the newbies), successfully compete in AKC, ASCA, CPE, NADAC and USDAA, agility events throughout the United States.

Crush - NW1 Container Search

K9 Nose Work®

In 2010 I began a new adventure when I enrolled in an instructors training course for the new sport of K9 Nose Work®. In January 2011, I completed the course work earning a "CNWI" (Certified Nose Work Instructor) designation.

In March 2011, at the first K9 Nose Work® trial held in the Northwest, both Nick and Surfer placed in the top ten and earned their NW1 (Nose Work One) titles. Since that first trial in Vancouver Washington, the sport of K9 Nose Work® has grown tremendously. I have trained and earned titles with each of my dogs (past and current) up to the NW3 Elite level in the NACSW. (National Association of Canine Scent Work - the originators of this amazing sport for companion animals all over the world.. now in Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Sweden.. and ?)

I have continued to maintain my Instructor certification by earning continuing education credits each year. This includes attending 8 annual K9 Nose Work® "camps" both in Georgia and Colorado, and 4 years of attendance at the California Canine Narcotics Association annual workshop for detection professionals.

FunQuest offers training classes in K9 Nose Work® at several locations in the Puget Sound area. Come find out why this sport is so popular and get ready to see your dog having an absolute BLAST !

Learn more about these talented dogs.

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